Sunday, April 26, 2009

There's always the military I guess...

Dear Cate,
I'm updating this instead of writing a 10 page paper for my Theories of Counseling class that's due Tuesday. Real heroes don't do their homework until the day before it is due. I'm a death defying dare devil. Alliteration.

I need your help. I have recently decided that I need a pretty big change in my life of some sort. All of my friends are doing crazy grown up things like getting married and having babies and stuff. I'm just a lame-o living in Gardner, working as an assistant, and going to school. I need a new adventure. This is where you come in. I'm going to need you to help me think of something that I could do that would be as cool as what all my friends are doing. Aside from meeting and marrying Demetri Martin or following Tony Gonzalez to Atlanta, I'm out of ideas.


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