Friday, June 26, 2009

Did the distance make your heart grow fonder?

Dear Riss,

My devotion to blogging seems to be lacking luster. Please don't doubt that I'm fully 100% loyal to my commitment to the Good Company Blog. I know I can't just leave it up to you to entertain the masses!!!?? Although you've done quite well over the last two months. But I understand this is a team effort- something to celebrate our friendship and not something I expect you to shoulder on your own. I'm not quite sure why but sometimes I have a hard time coming up with topics to blog about.

Is it because I am not a good writer? I do use a thesaurus sometimes.

Is it because my life is boring? I could blog about how my parents came over for dinner last night so they could pick up the electric toothbrush we ordered for them. Or I could not blog about that. Seems like there is a obvious choice.

Is it because I don't have strong opinions? In general I really don't, unless the issue is something of no real consequence- for example I am a passionate advocate for using letter openers instead of ripping the envelope, and I refuse to eat american cheese.

Is it because I've never watched Jon and Kate + 8?

So many questions. What I just said right there, "So many questions"- reminds me of a t-shirt I used to have when I was little. It said "So many flavors. So little time." It was a Baskin Robbins t-shirt. I always have liked ice cream.


p.s. thanks for the eyebrow grooming suggestions but was that a cancer patient in the last picture?

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